Originally selling the DEVELOP brand of copier equipment. This was only for a short period as due to the high level of business and the success of Connect the account was transferred to the main holding company Minolta UK.
From day one the company’s’ vision has always been to put the customer FIRST, with customer after sales and support our number one priority. In 2003, due to the company’s success, Connect were approached by Infotec (Ricoh) to sell their latest Colour ‘office’ MFP and that relationship continues to this day.
With the launch of the ground-breaking Minolta C350 full colour MFP Connect quickly realised that this was a market leading product. With its high quality and affordable copy cost, it quickly established Minolta as a market leader in the colour arena. Shortly after the launch, the two companies Konica (famous for its film products) and Minolta (equally famous for its copier products and cameras) merged to become the company it is today, KonicaMinolta.
Over the years Connect have been able to offer our customers the perfect solutions from these two giant manufacturers. We are able to recommend products based on our customers requirement’s, and are not tied to a single solution.